Welcome and Introductions


Hello and thanks for joining our Writers MasterClass! My name is Tiffany and I will be your course instructor for the duration of the class. Before we jump right in and get started, I want to give you a quick run down of what to expect in the coming weeks and share a bit about my own writing journey.

I began to enjoy writing back in high school but it was always associated with my own personal journals or essays for school. I had an aspiration to write a book and simply did not know where to begin so I put it off for years. In my adult years, it seemed that time would not slow down so I decided to sit down, really focus, and knock out my first book. As a published author, writing has opened up some new opportunities and has also allowed my words to turn into profitability. You can do just the same. But where do we start?

Well, we will walk you step by step start to finish guiding you through the brainstorming process to your executed writing product whether you have a desire to become a published author, write a decent essay, or start a blog. Before further ado, be sure to grab a pen and paper to take some notes or use a digital format whichever you prefer to use and we will get started.


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